
Masogange are derived from heroine and oxazepam particles

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Masogange are derived from heroine and oxazepam particles

A chemistry from the Central Chemistry Office has said Agness Gerald 'Masogange' has been diagnosed with heroine and oxazepam (Diacety Imophine) drugs.
Chemistry Elias Mulima (40) has told the court before Judge Magistrate Wilbard's advice that Agness's urine samples presented to him were contaminated with drugs.

The farmer who is the first witness in Masogange's case was diagnosed with drugs on February 15, 2017, Dar es Salaam, led by State Lawyer Constantine Kakula, said on February 15 this year in the Chemistry General Dar es salaam at the office receiving an exhibit. From the Police Force presented by Coplo Sospeter and WP Judith for a study to determine whether they were drugs or not.

The witness also added that it was submitted by a specialized drug form that developed with DCEA 008 and made a registration and awarded a laboratory number 446/2017 where the Prosecutor was given a special container for urine sample.

In addition, defense lawyer Neo Nkoko denied the incident because the police were required to apply the court for the trial of the accused but did not do so and claim it was illegal in the 63 CPA.

As a result, Magistrate Mashauri has postponed the case until August 28, 2013, where the day is expected to make a decision to receive or receive a sample of Agnes Masogange's urine sample from the Central Chemistry Office.

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